Nypd Eyeing Rap Lyrics, Music Videos To Go After Gang Crime

The artists, intent on expressing their passion for the music, know the great site risk they take when infusing their music with real-life criminal activities. Its a double-edged sword, manager Patrice Allen told front page the Times. If you have that much passion and love for the music, I guess you have to deal with it. Thats just what comes with the music. Its the bitter and the sweet, you know? In 2011, the NYPD began utilizing review a similar approach by forming a social media team dedicated to monitoring the Facebook pages of notable gang members known to use the social networking site to insult rivals and boast of crimes. Officers often create Facebook and Twitter aliases to befriend members and gain access to their activities. The project was deemed so successful, the department doubled the size of the unit following year.
Source http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/08/nypd-rap-lyrics_n_4560799.html

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